Saturday, December 6, 2008

Communities: Moving Forward with People Power

How does a community move forward?

People in the community must step forward in order for the community to move forward.

Where is the community moving?

To a vision! --But whose vision?

That's the goal -- a vision for and from the community.

What's the vision for our community?

In our community, through the Horizons Project, ordinary citizens like you and Amanda, Bob, Jesse, and Nate gather together to share their visions, to create a community vision of prosperity. Through community action, the vision becomes reality.

Who are these citizens?


This project needs everyone's voice and vigor; your involvement begins with a phone call: 633-3303, Mary Schilling. Your involvement can be what you can do: a phone caller, a researcher, a volunteer at events, a planner, etc. Right now, we need ideas; don't you have a few to share for our community? Please join those who have already stepped forward.

Who have already stepped forward?

As many as fifty people have attended various activities so far: initial meeting, Study Circles, Leadership Plenty Training. Please read our previous blogs and view the slideshows of the Tuesday/Thursday Study Circles 1 and 2 and the Leadership Plenty Training.

Please come to the next meeting, December 11th, 5:30-8:30 PM, in the Community Church in Coulee Dam to help begin our action process for our community.

Please step forward and join the journey.

HORIZONS: Community Leaders Reducing Poverty
Working together to move from poverty to prosperity for all.

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