Sunday, March 22, 2009

Leadership to Action

Module 7 - Moving from Talk to Action

Members of Leadership Plenty training group have completed their training and are ready to help the community move to action.
Ask yourself:

How does the organization work together to implements its goals in the neighborhood or community? What happens as a result of these actions?

How do leaders of the organization know if they have accomplished what they set out to do?

Do you sense a far-reaching vision for what the organization really wants to accomplish in the community? What is that vision?

What kinds of knowledge and skills would enhance the organization’s ability to work together to plan for that vision?

A main lesson from Leadership Plenty is that all of us in the community have qualities that guide leadership to action.

Will you join the spirit and add your expertise as we progress to developing resources that help all of us. We can move from poverty to prosperity together.


HORIZONS: Community Leaders Reducing Poverty
Working together to move from poverty to prosperity for all.

Mary Schilling at 633 3033 or email at

Another great resource with ideas from other communities is:

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Learn more about the Horizons program

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